Per Bjergestam

We started this project by having a conversation with the costumer, in this case Per Bjergestam, who wanted to create an application to reach a wider audience than before. We tried to get a better grasp on how he wanted the design to look like and what he wanted to have included in the product.

My roles in this project: Prototyper (Figma), Designer.

Methods/Programs used: MVP Canvas, LDJ, Figma

LDJ Per Bjergestam
MVP per bjergestam

We started off by doing a LDJ (Lightning Decision Jam) to get an understanding of the outline of the application, and what would be good to include.

We then moved on to a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Canvas to see what would be needed as a minimum for the application to actually work. 

We used Figma as the prototyping program, working from low fidelity, to mid, to high. At first when we got to mid fidelity we wanted to add some extra colours since the application was supposed to be kind of game-like, but after talking to Per and hearing his thoughts about what kind of layout he wanted we decided to go with the colours he used on his website and his company.


Here you can see our first mid fidelity prototype vs. the end prodcut.

End Result

The result was an application where leaders/coaches can access all of Pers knowledge and experience online, and then they would be able to create courses and have their workers do those courses online.